On september 25th groups gave sales presentations for their colony. Each group had created a brochure that highlighted features of their colony such as; reasons for settlement, religion, government, economy and occupations, and geography and climate. All of the presentations highlighted the features mentioned in their brochure. Many of the groups did a great job of presenting their colony in a manner that was not only educational, but interesting and entertaining as well. We had skits, puppet shows, raps, and more.
After the presentations we talked about features that were common among the colonies, such as the fact that most colonists were farmers, most colonies were self-governed and somewhat democratic, and most colonies welcomed people of various faiths.
We are about to begin our study of the English Colonies in America. To give you a little bit of a preview of what colonial life was like I found this video of Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia:
Here is a video about the Salem Witch Trials that took place in Massachusetts in 1692
Since I've been putting a lot of time into this blog lately I have decided to give extra credit points for students who comment on the posts. However, in order to earn points students must post truly reflective comments. That means that you must explain how you feel about the topic, activity, or video that has been posted. It is not enough to simply post; "that was cool", you must explain what you specifically liked or disliked.
To learn more about what it took for the Jamestown settlers to survive, students had to pose as inatimate objects such as a ship, barrels, axes and trees. They were then asked questions about how they helped the settlers to survive and the challenges settlers would have to face.
Here are some scenes from the experiences of Jamestown settlers that I have recreated for you.
John Smith (far left) helps Jamestown's settlers survive by telling them that if they don't work, they won't eat:
Captain John Smith is about to be clubbed to death by the Powhatan Indians:
But he is saved by the chief's daughter Pocahontas:
The Jamestown settlers are saved from their "Starving Time" by ships carrying supplies and new colonists from England:
Peace between the Jamestown settlers and the Indians is strengthened when John Rolfe marries Pocahontas with the approval of her father Chief Powhatan:
One of the things we will be learning about in chapter 2 is Jamestown. Jamestown was the first permanent successful English colony in the America continents. Essentially, it was the start of America. The English had failed at two previous attempts to set up colonies in the "New World", and they almost failed at this one as well if it wasn't for the ingenuity of Captain John Smith. After a rough start in 1607, Jamestown eventually grew to become the basis of what would be the colony of Virginia. You can find out more by visiting this website.
My wife and I visited the site of Jamestown, where the fort and buildings have been recreated, on our honeymoon in the summer of 2003. Here are some pictures:
We are currently learning about how European countries claimed and settled lands in the "New World." In this "act-it-out" students had to answer questions in the roles of Christopher Columbus and his crew, as well as the natives they encountered.
As I mentioned in class, Europeans were well aware that the Earth was round (spherical actually) at the time of Columbus. Columbus' desire to sail westward to the Indies was actually based on two false beliefs: 1. that the Earth was actually smaller (about 2/3) than it actually is and 2.) that Asia was much larger than it is. Therefore, by his calculations he could reach Asia in just a few months by crossing the Atlantic Ocean. He, and everyone else, were also unaware that there were two continents in the way.
Here is a recreation of the map by Toscanelli that Columbus used as a reference for his voyages (the outline of North and South America was not on the original map of course).
Here is a fun, but not completely accurate, video about Columbus:
Magellan was the first explorer to lead a voyage that circumnavigated (sail completely around) the Earth. Magellan was killed about 2/3 of the way through the voyage, and only one of the five ships that originally sailed made it back to Europe.
As our Preview for Chapter 2: European Exploration and Settlement, students participated in an activity called Blind Passage. In this activity, students were challenged to walk through a field of obstacles, blindfolded, in order to earn extra credit for their team.
After the activity, we compared what the students experienced with what early European explorers went through while searching for new trade routes and new land. We discussed their goals, challenges, the risks, and the rewards,
In our first week of school we discussed how scientists believe that human beings first migrated to North America across a land bridge that once existed between Asia and present-day Alaska. We also discussed how Native Americans survived by adapting to their environment.