We are currently learning about what life was like in the West for eight different groups of people in the early to mid 1800's. Students created mini-dramas (plays) that explain why each group moved west, what hardships they faced, and what legacies they left. Groups that moved west included; the Explorers, the Mountain Men, the Californios, the Missionaries, Pioneer Women, the Forty-Niners, the Mormons, and the Chinese.

I enjoyed this project. A lot. Mountain men. They rock. Let's do mor group projects soon. No tests. Tests are mean. Please take this tough into consideration. Thank you.
P.S.Are you really moving to Georgia???
The one and only,
Courtney Van Dreese (Core D) :)
Am I allowed to post senseless messages on here?????
-Courtney V.
I enjoyed this project. A lot. Mountain men. They rock. Let's do more group projects soon. No tests. Tests are mean. Please take this tough into consideration. Thank you.
P.S.Are you really moving to Georgia???
The one and only,
Courtney Van Dreese (Core D) :)
This project was fun!!! Mormons Rock!!! Let's do more group projects (where we get to pick our groups) and less tests. Your tests confuse me sometimes. But, maybe that's just me. I don't think it is though.
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