Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dancing the Charleston

As part of our study of the Roaring Twenties, a number of students attempted to learn how to dance the Charleston, the most popular dance of that decade. All of the students who tried the dance did great and everybody had fun, even those who decided to simply watch.

I posted the video that I made below. Don't forget to post your comments.


bookworm said...

Laurie Serdar says "That's Beautiful"

I say... "Too fun!"

Kate B. said...

Oh my goodness. This is sooooo embarrassing! But I have to admit, it was fun. It helped me learn how the "flappers" partied in the 1920's.

andrea jackola said...

This was sssssssssssoooooooooooo fun. it was so funny watching all the people dance. life must have been WAY more fun it the 1920 than the 1930.