In order to better understand the differences between capitalism and communism (as part of our study of the Cold War), students participated in a classroom simulation in which each of them was assigned a role of either a peasant, skilled laborer, or wealthy individual in early 20th century Russia. They were required to budget how they would feed their family based on their income in a capitalist system, and then in a communist one. Afterwards, we discussed the pros and cons of each situation.
Histeria explains Communism:
This activity was a learning experice for me. I learned the difference between capital and communism....there is a big difference. I was a peasant which earned 3 coins a week while your skilled job worker earned 10 and so on. When the switch came to communism where everyone got 6 coins i was so happy! But it still was unfair to those who had jobs better than mine and had the same pay as I.
Carley Hebert
This activity really helped me understand the differance between communism and capitalism. It also helped me understand why commusism may seem like a good idea to begin with, it really isn't fair.
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