Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Ain't Got No Home

In my REaD class today we finished reading the book "Zen, and the Art of Faking It" by Jordan Sonnenblick. I chose to read this book because one of the main characters and I share a love of Woody Guthrie's music. So, I thought it would be fitting on our last day of this REaD session for the class to sing one of the Woody Guthrie songs talked about in the book. Here is our rendition of "I Ain't Got No Home":

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

WWII Radio Broadcasts

Student groups created World War II Radio Broadcasts in order to teach the rest of the class about how the war affected various groups of Americans including the government, consumers, women, Japanese Americans, Jewish Americans, American Servicemen, and African Americans.

Each broadcast included a promotional poster, introduction, lead story, advertisement, human interest story, and conclusion. All of the groups did a great job and the students really enjoyed listening to and learning from their classmates on the "radio".

Below are some pictures from this activity. I will post the audio recordings of the radio broadcasts soon as well.

Listening to a broadcast: Promotional poster: The audience: Inside the studio: