Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Immigration Poll

Since we are currently discussing the issue of immigration in U.S. today, I have added a poll about this issue to the side-bar. All responses are anonymous, so feel free to vote your conscience without having to explain anything. We'll discuss the final results in class next week.


Unknown said...

I think you should have a option on there that says "stay in their jobs and apply for U.S citizenship right away.

Mr. McCarthy said...

Thanks for your comment Grace! I think that is what the first choice is saying, maybe it could be worded a little differently.

auddie said...

i agree with grace, i had to pick unsure, because that was not up there. It would have been a very good choice.

Mr. McCarthy said...

Who is Auddie? I can't give you any credit for commenting unless I know who you are.

ShirleyV said...

Auddie os Austyn Booth im pretty sure. oh and I think Grace is right they show apply for US Citizenship.

Kate B. said...

I think it's Austyne Boothe.